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Documentation for VisionAI toolkit.


VisionAI provides a set of command line utilities for you to manage different Vision AI scenarios that have been pre-developed and pre-tested. VisionAI focuses on workplace health and safety models - and majority of the models you see here have been developed with that in mind.

These are production-ready model trained from open-source and academic datasets. We are continuously working on new scenarios - and our current scenario repo consists of over 60 scenarios that are listed here. They are developed with the intent of being easy-to-use for business. The framework also supports a whole bunch of custom scenarios.

Next steps

Congratulations! You have successfully run the first scenario. Now go through Tutorials to learn about how to run multiple scnearios, how to configure each scenario for the events you need, how to set up the dependencies etc.

Or you can also go through our scenarios page to explore the different scenarios available and their model details. If you have a need for a scenario to be implemented, do not hesitate to submit a request.