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This provides a comprehensive guideline for the VisionAI toolkit's access path.

  • Install the application

    To test this model & scenario, you can use the following steps:

    • Install the visionai package from PyPI

      $ pip install visionai
      Test the scenario from your local web-cam by mentioning scenario name

      $ visionai scenario test [OPTIONS] NAME


      • NAME: [required]

      NAME can be any of the scenarios integrated in VisionAI

      • Example
      $ visionai scenario test ppe-detection
      Downloading models for scenario: ppe-detection
      Model: ppe-detection:
      Starting scenario: ppe-detection..

      You should be able to see the events generated on your console window with the detections of safety gloves, goggles, helmet, mask, safety-shoes and vest within the camera field of view.

  • Access the visionAI Web-app

    VisionAI web-app, a software application that runs in a web browser and designed to provide a user-friendly interface and functionality that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, without the need for installation on the device. It can be accessed by here.

    The app has built-in functionality to accomodate different scenarios and wide range of camera instances.

    Web-app main screen

  • Access the Azure Managed-app

    The VisionAI Azure Managed application is intended to provide customers with a quick and secure way to deliver applications and services while maintaining consistency and control.

    VisionAI Azure App is accessible by logging into Azure Market Place.

    VisionAI webapp The appeared screen shows its Overview, different plans and ratings. To access it, click on Get it Now and follow the sequence of steps.

    Find more details about these sections here.

In summary, the VisionAI toolkit is accessible via direct installation, web-app, and Azure managed app. This makes it more adaptable and dynamic.